Marie Dagney Dunleavy
Fine Art

Picasso and me!
From a very young age I liked to draw. That, coupled with memories of wonderful paintings seen in museums and the countryside in Bucks County, Pennsylvania where I grew up, resulted in taking a few art lessons in college and beyond. Fast forward to retirement in Savannah, where I nurture my art fascination, as member of the Landings Art Association and participant in various drawing, watercolor and pastel workshops.
Since 2018, pastel painting of landscapes, animals and still life is my focus. The process of transforming a slice of our surroundings into a painting that creates an atmosphere; evokes a cherished memory or feeling, keeps me coming back to the easel using the pastel medium that is magical in its richness and delicacy. At the same time, watercolors continue to interest and challenge me.
The opportunity to experience a bit of what art and community artists I have met and learn from fulfills and inspires.
The paintings in my Gallery include some of my pastels and watercolors.
Should you have questions about these or think you might want something created for you, please go to the Contact page and I will respond.
Thank you for stopping by!